Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
A MalberS sprinting kitty
A note to myself about making a kitty sprint with MalberS when you hold down shift. Note: I’m not an expert. There may be better
Teaching references
Today I was talking with Chad Bousley, an instructional designer at Oakland University, about ID. Chad knows Many Things about ID and other stuff. It
Cryptid Kitchen explores many aspects of flourishing. Content is grouped into topic areas. Knowledge nuggets about manhood are in Tiny Burning Town. Like every area,
A viable animal stack
From an earlier post: I love animals, especially doggos. I’d like to come up with ways to make intelligent animals, methods I can use across
MalberS magic: controlling a doggo in C#
I love animals, especially doggos. I’d like to come up with ways to make intelligent animals, methods I can use across Unity games. An animal
One-sided 3D collider (kinda) in Unity
My daughter Teagan is the Jumping Queen. She tries jumping on everything in a game level. She isn’t the only one. Hannah, one of my